We are an undergraduate research lab.
Focused on developing scientists and solving environmental problems by applying knowledge of organic chemistry and microbial metabolism.
Current Members
Erica Schultz, PhD
Dr. Schultz is an associate professor of chemistry at Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL. Before joining the faculty at Lake Forest, she was a post-doctoral researcher at Harvard University studying enzymatic mechanisms, biosynthesis, biocatalysis and biocompatible chemistry. Dr. Schultz received her doctorate degree from the University of California, Berkeley, where she studied total synthesis and method devolopment, focusing on nitrogen containing heterocyclic. She started her chemistry career at Macalester College in Saint Paul, MN working on total synthesis and method development.
Gwendolyn Jones, class of 2026
Gwendolyn is a Chemistry Major from Illinois. She is a part of Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society and a private tutor for Chemistry. While at LFC she has been a TA for Chemistry and has been on the dean’s list since freshman year. In the future, she hopes to be a forensic chemist. Her favorite thing about Chemistry is when it feels like solving puzzles: labeling unknowns, preforming syntheses to achieve desired products, troubleshooting experiments, etc. In her free time, she likes to hang out with her cats and dogs.
Unicorn, Lab Manager
Serious scientist.
Mariam Beshara, Class of 2026
Mariam is originally from Cairo, Egypt and is majoring in BMB and Economics at Lake Forest College. She developed a great interest in organic chemistry throughout this academic year, and excited to be doing research and learning more about how organic chemistry is used in the real world and more about the numerous techniques used in lab for analyzing products. She grateful to be a part of a research dedicated to saving our planet.
Connor McKelvey, Class of 2027
Connor is a mathematics major and chemistry minor at lake forest college. He’s from Wisconsin and enjoys hiking and kayaking. Indoors he enjoys audiobooks, sudoku, minesweeper, and Star Trek. At Lake Forest Connor works as a TA for chemistry and statistics. After Lake Forest Connor hopes to attend graduate school for mathematics.
Research Students
Richter Scholars
Office Hours
by appointment
Office: Lillard Science Center 350
Laboratory: Lillard Science Center 379
Email & Phone
(847) 735-6074